How to Get Rid of Snakes Under Your House: A Comprehensive Guide

» Prevention » How to Get Rid of Snakes Under Your House: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you worried about the presence of snakes under your house? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience this issue, and it can be a real nuisance. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get rid of snakes under your house. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of snakes under your house so you can rest easy knowing these unwelcome guests are gone.

What Kind of Snakes are Commonly Found Under Houses?

What Kind Of Snakes Are Commonly Found Under Houses?

  • Garter Snakes
  • Brown Snakes
  • Ring-necked Snakes
  • Rat Snakes
  • Water Snakes
  • Cottonmouths
  • Copperheads
  • Coral Snakes
  • Rattlesnakes

Snakes can find their way into places they don’t belong, like under houses. Depending on the region, some of the most commonly found snakes under houses are garter snakes, brown snakes, ring-necked snakes, rat snakes, water snakes, cottonmouths, copperheads, coral snakes, and rattlesnakes.

What Are the Risks of Keeping Snakes Under Your House?

What Are The Risks Of Keeping Snakes Under Your House?

  • Snakes may be exposed to extreme temperatures, which can lead to illness, dehydration, and even death.
  • Snakes can be difficult to identify and may carry parasites, which can be transferred to humans.
  • Snakes may become aggressive if they feel threatened.
  • Snakes are capable of escaping and may pose a danger to other animals, particularly small pets.
  • Storing food or other items under your house can attract mice, which in turn attracts snakes.
  • Snakes may damage wiring and plumbing, leading to costly repairs.
  • Snakes can be difficult to remove without professional help.

Deterring Snakes

Deterring Snakes
Snakes are naturally drawn to homes due to the presence of food, shelter, and water. To deter snakes from entering and remaining under your house, remove any potential sources of food and water. This includes pet food, bird feeders, and any other food sources. Keeping your yard clean and free of debris will also help discourage snakes from entering your property.

Removing Snakes

Removing Snakes
If snakes have already taken up residence under your house, you may need to take more aggressive action to remove them. One option is to use traps, which can be purchased at most stores. You may also want to hire a pest control company to remove the snakes for you.

Preventing Snakes From Returning

Preventing Snakes From Returning
Once the snakes have been removed, you can take steps to prevent them from returning. Sealing any cracks or openings around the foundation of your house is a good way to keep snakes out. Additionally, keeping your lawn mowed and free of debris can help deter snakes from making their way back under your home.

Should You Call a Professional To Remove Snakes?

Pros Cons
Professionals have the experience and expertise to quickly and safely remove the snake. Professional services can be expensive and may not be necessary in all cases.
Professionals have access to appropriate equipment and tools that may not be available to the average homeowner. There is no guarantee that the professional will be able to locate and remove the snake.
Professionals can provide valuable advice on how to prevent future snake infestations. Some professional snake removal services may use questionable methods or substances to remove snakes.

The decision to call a professional to remove a snake from under your house should depend on the type of snake, the size of the snake, and the homeowner’s level of comfort. If the homeowner is uncomfortable with the situation, it may be best to call a professional. If the snake is small and non-venomous, it may be possible for the homeowner to safely remove the snake on their own. However, if the snake is large or venomous, it is best to call a professional.

How To Keep Snakes Away From Your House

  • Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Remove piles of leaves, wood piles, and other potential hiding places for snakes.
  • Keep your grass cut short. Long grass often provides a good hiding place for snakes.
  • Mow the grass regularly and trim branches away from your home.
  • Eliminate any sources of food or water in your yard that could attract snakes. Get rid of garbage, pet food, bird feeders, and other items that attract rodents or insects.
  • Seal any cracks or holes in your foundation and around windows and doors. Make sure doors and windows fit tightly in their frames.
  • Install a snake-proof fence around your property. This should be at least three feet high and have a mesh size of one quarter inch or less.
  • Use a netting or heavy fabric to cover any open areas around your house that may be attractive to snakes.
  • Spray your yard with a snake repellent. This is a chemical that repels snakes and keeps them away from areas where it is sprayed.
  • Keep your pet food indoors and dispose of pet waste regularly.
  • Use a flashlight to inspect any dark areas around your house, such as under porches or decks, before entering them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get Rid of Snakes Under My House?

The most effective way to get rid of snakes under your house is to use a snake trap. Place the trap in the area where you have seen the snakes and check it regularly. If the trap is successful, you can safely remove the snake and relocate it away from your house. Alternatively, snake repellent can be used to deter snakes from entering your property. This can be applied to the perimeter of your house or around the entrance to any potential snake hiding places. Snake fencing is another option if the snakes are entering your house from the outside. This should be installed at least 30 cm underground to prevent the snakes from burrowing underneath. Finally, maintaining a clean and tidy environment can discourage snakes from entering, as they will not have any hiding places.

How do I get snakes out of a Hole?

Snakes typically enter through small gaps or holes in the foundation of a house or building. To remove a snake from a hole, it is recommended to use a snake tongs or a snake hook. Snake tongs or snake hooks are long-handled tools with a gripping end used for safely capturing and removing snakes without coming into contact with them. Alternatively, a snake trap may be used to capture and remove snakes from a hole.

What is the best way to get rid of garter snakes in Minnesota?

The best way to get rid of garter snakes in Minnesota is to remove their food sources, such as insects and small rodents, as well as eliminating hiding places, such as tall grass, piles of leaves and debris, and overgrown shrubs. Additionally, sealing all entry points and cracks in your home’s foundation can help to keep them out. If these steps are not enough to get rid of the snakes, calling a professional pest control service may be necessary.

How Can I Get Rid of Snakes Under My Porch?

Snakes can enter your property through small openings, such as those found under a porch. To get rid of snakes under your porch, you should first reduce the attractiveness of your property by removing food sources, such as pet food and bird seed. You can also use a snake repellent spray to discourage snakes from entering the area. If this doesn’t work, you can trap the snakes and either relocate them or hire a professional to remove them. If the snakes are entering through cracks and crevices, you can seal them using caulk or steel mesh.

How do I get a snake out of my Garage?

Removing a snake from your garage depends on the type of snake and the size of the garage. If the snake is small enough, you can try to catch it with a snake-catching tool or net, or you can use a vacuum cleaner. If the snake is too large to catch, you may need to use a snake trap or a live snake catcher. If all else fails, you can call in a professional snake removal service to safely remove the snake from your garage.


The best way to get rid of snakes under your house is to make the area inhospitable to them. This can include removing piles of debris, cutting tall grass and weeds, and preventing access to the area by sealing any cracks or gaps. If these methods fail, consider using a professional snake removal service. In any case, it is essential to identify the type of snake that is present in order to use the appropriate method of removal.

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