Who to Call When You Need Help Removing Snakes From Your Home

» Pest Control Services » Who to Call When You Need Help Removing Snakes From Your Home

If you find yourself in the unenviable position of having a snake problem, you may be wondering, “Who do I call to remove snakes?” The good news is that you have many options to choose from. Whether it’s a professional wildlife removal service or a local animal control department, there are a variety of professionals who can assist you in getting rid of the unwanted reptile. In this article, we’ll explore the best solutions for your snake problem and help you decide who to call to remove snakes.

Types of Snakes

Types Of Snakes

  • Pythons
  • Cobras
  • Vipers
  • Rat Snakes
  • Garter Snakes
  • Water Snakes
  • Hognose Snakes
  • Rear-fanged Snakes
  • Harmless Snakes
  • Sea Snakes

Snakes are found in a wide variety of habitats, from deserts to forests, and come in a range of sizes, from the tiny Brahminy blind snake to the large reticulated python. They can be classified into two main groups: venomous and non-venomous. Venomous snakes include cobras, vipers and sea snakes, while non-venomous snakes include pythons, rat snakes, garter snakes, water snakes, hognose snakes, rear-fanged snakes and harmless snakes.

Signs of Snake Infestation

Signs Of Snake Infestation

Seeing a snake close-up is the most obvious sign of snake infestation. Other signs include seeing tracks, snakeskin, or droppings, or hearing rustling in the walls or in the attic. Additionally, you may smell a musky odor in the area or find nests or eggs. Seeing birds of prey, like hawks, in the area is also an indication of a snake infestation, as they are attracted to snakes. If you suspect a snake infestation, contact a professional snake removal service as soon as possible.

Reasons for Snake Removal

Reasons For Snake Removal

  • Health and safety of people and pets
  • Prevention of property damage
  • Prevention of snake bites
  • Prevention of snake infestations
  • Reduction of possible threats to infrastructure
  • Reduction of nuisance wildlife

Prevention of Snakes

Prevention Of Snakes

Measures Description
Remove Attractants Eliminate food sources, such as bird feeders, garbage cans and compost areas, as well as shelter sources, such as tall grass, woodpiles and debris.
Fence and Seal Install a fence at least 3 feet high around your property and seal any gaps around foundations, windows and doors.
Keep the Area Clear Keep the area surrounding your home clear of tall grass, rocks, boards and other debris. Mow the grass frequently.
Keep Pet Food Indoors Keep pet food and water bowls indoors, as these attract snakes. Clean up spilled food and water.
Remove Water Sources Eliminate any standing water or sources of water, such as uncovered rain barrels, leaky hoses and clogged gutters.

How to Identify Snakes

How To Identify Snakes
Snakes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. To be able to identify a snake correctly, it is important to look at the snake’s physical characteristics.

Size and Shape: Snakes can range in size from a few inches to several feet long. They also vary in shape, with some having thick bodies and others having thin, long bodies.

Color: Colors of snakes can vary widely, from black and white to yellow, brown, red and green. Snakes can also be patterned, with stripes, bands or blotches of color.

Head: The shape and size of the head of a snake can help to identify it. Some snakes have a broad head, while others have a narrow head. Some have a pointed snout, while others have a rounded snout.

Eyes: Some snakes have round eyes, while others have slit-like eyes. Most snakes have a yellow-colored iris, while some may have a red-colored iris.

Scales: Snakes have scales that cover their body. These scales can be smooth or rough and vary in size.

By looking at the size, shape and color of a snake, along with its head, eyes and scales, you can accurately identify the species of snake. If you are unsure, it is best to contact a professional for help.

Professional Snake Removal Services

Professional Snake Removal Services

  • Look for a company that has the proper experience and knowledge in handling snakes.
  • Check to make sure they have a valid license and insurance.
  • Ensure they have the necessary safety precautions in place.
  • Check reviews and ask for references to verify their expertise.
  • Inquire about their methods of snake removal and if they use humane methods.
  • Find out if they offer any follow-up services to ensure the problem does not recur.

DIY Snake Removal

  • Identify the type of snake you are dealing with. Venomous snakes have triangular heads, and non-venomous snakes have round heads.
  • Put on heavy gloves and protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and boots.
  • If the snake is outside, use a shovel or hoe to carefully scoop up the snake and place it into a bucket or container.
  • If the snake is inside, use a long-handled net or pool skimmer to carefully scoop it up and place it into a bucket or container.
  • Securely close the lid of the bucket or container, and then transport it outside to a safe release area a few miles away from your home.
  • Release the snake in a safe, natural habitat, making sure to keep a safe distance away from the snake.

Safety Concerns

  • Always use protective gear when handling snakes, such as gloves, long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
  • Be careful when handling snakes as they may be venomous.
  • If you are bitten, contact your local hospital or poison control center immediately.
  • Do not attempt to capture or kill the snake yourself.
  • Do not touch the snake with your bare hands.
  • Keep children and pets away from the area where the snake was found.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best solutions for removing snakes?

The best way to remove snakes is to contact a professional wildlife control company. These companies employ experts who have the knowledge and equipment to safely and humanely remove snakes from properties. Professionals can identify the species of snake and determine the best course of action for removal. They will also provide advice on how to prevent snakes from returning in the future. Additionally, they can provide advice on how to handle a snake encounter if one occurs.

Who Can I Call For Help With My Snake Problem?

If you have a snake problem in your home or on your property, it is important to find a professional to help remove the animal. Animal control and pest control companies can help remove snakes from your property. Many of these companies also offer relocation services for the snake. It is important to note that it is illegal to kill or relocate a snake yourself, so it is important to find a professional to help.

Where can I find a reliable snake removal service?

The most reliable way to locate a snake removal service is to contact local pest control companies. Most pest control companies have the expertise and equipment to remove snakes from residential and commercial properties. Be sure to ask if they are experienced in snake removal, as some may not specialize in this service. Alternatively, you can look up local wildlife rescues, as they may be able to provide humane and safe snake removal. Additionally, some local animal control services may be able to provide this service.

How can I tell if a Snake Removal Service is Trustworthy?

When looking for a snake removal service, it is important to do some research to ensure that you are engaging with a reliable and trustworthy professional. Look for a snake removal service with a good reputation, positive reviews, and a proven track record. It is also important to check that they are licensed and insured. Ask if they can provide a quote and guarantee their work. Additionally, it is wise to ask questions about the methods they use to remove snakes, what follow-up services they provide, and the experience and qualifications of the professionals they employ.

What should I do if I encounter a snake?

Remain calm and slowly back away from the snake. Do not attempt to pick up the snake or harm it in any way. If possible, take a picture or video of the snake to aid in identification. If the snake is in an area of your home, close all doors to the room, keeping the snake contained. Contact a professional snake removal service for assistance in safely and humanely removing the snake from your home.


The best solution for dealing with a snake problem is to contact a professional wildlife removal service. They can safely and effectively remove any snakes from your property and provide tips to prevent future infestations. If the snake is venomous, it is best to avoid contact with the animal and contact local authorities for help. Following these steps should help you safely and quickly remove snakes from your home or property.

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