How to Get Rid of Snake Mites: An Essential Guide for Snake Owners

» Health » How to Get Rid of Snake Mites: An Essential Guide for Snake Owners

Are you a snake owner dealing with an infestation of snake mites? If so, you are not alone. Snake mites are a common problem for pet snake owners and can cause a lot of distress for both you and your pet. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of snake mites and protect your pet from future infestations. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know on how to get rid of snake mites.

What are Snake Mites?

What Are Snake Mites?

Snake mites are small, parasitic arachnids that feed off the blood of reptiles, including snakes. They are usually white, gray, or black in color, and are usually about the size of a pinhead. Snake mites can live for several weeks without a blood meal, and can often be found on the skin, in the eyes, or in the mouth of the snake. Snake mites can cause severe irritation to the snake, and can also spread disease.

Characteristic Description
Appearance White, gray, or black, about the size of a pinhead
Lifespan Several weeks without a blood meal
Location Skin, eyes, or mouth of snake
Effects Irritation and spread of disease

Symptoms of Snake Mites

Symptoms Of Snake Mites

  • Skin lesions
  • Excessive shedding
  • Redness or discoloration of the skin
  • Small dark spots on the skin
  • Hair loss
  • Itching and irritation
  • A decrease in appetite
  • Unusual lethargy
  • An increase in respiratory rate

How do Snakes Get Mites?

How Do Snakes Get Mites?

  • Mites can be transferred from one snake to another through contact.
  • Mites can also be introduced to a snake by contact with a contaminated substrate, such as soil, bark or leaves.
  • Mites can also be transferred from other animals such as rodents, birds, or lizards.
  • Mites can also be introduced to a snake when it is in contact with a contaminated object, such as a bowl, bedding material, or a piece of furniture.
  • Mites can also be introduced to a snake when it is in contact with an infected animal, such as a rat or a mouse.

How to Identify Snake Mites?

How To Identify Snake Mites?

  • Check for small, red-brown mites on the snake’s skin, typically found near the eyes, mouth, nose, and vent.
  • Look for small, white or yellow dots on the mites that may indicate eggs.
  • Check the snake’s enclosure for mites crawling on the walls, substrate, or furniture.
  • Check for mites in the snake’s water bowl.
  • Watch for excessive scratching or rubbing against objects in the enclosure.
  • Look for thinning areas of skin, which may indicate mite bites.
  • Check for unusual behavior, such as the snake seeking dark, moist areas.
  • Examine the snake for signs of anemia, such as pale or thin skin.

Cleaning the Tank

Cleaning The Tank
Remove all substrate, ornaments, and other items from the tank. Dispose of all water and scrub the tank with hot, soapy water. Rinse the tank thoroughly and allow it to dry before adding new substrate, ornaments, and water.

Treat the Tank and Surrounding Areas

Treat The Tank And Surrounding Areas
Once the tank is clean and dry, use an approved insecticide to treat the entire tank, including the walls, floor, and surrounding areas. Follow the instructions on the package for the best results.

Treat the Snake

Apply an approved insecticide to the snake. Be sure to cover the entire body, including the underside and head. After treatment, the snake should be rinsed in warm water to remove any remaining insecticide. Allow the snake to air-dry before returning it to the tank.

How Long Do Snake Mites Live Without a Host?

  • Snake mites can survive for up to three weeks without a host.
  • Adult snake mites can survive for up to 14 days without a host.
  • Snake mites will often seek out new host animals when their previous host dies or when their food source runs out.
  • Snake mites can survive up to two months in a dry environment with no food source.
  • Snake mites can survive for up to eight weeks in cold temperatures.
  • Snake mites can survive for up to four weeks in warm temperatures.

Prevention of Snake Mites

To prevent snake mites, it is important to keep the enclosure clean and free of organic debris. Regularly clean the enclosure and replace the substrate if it has become soiled. It is also important to monitor the humidity levels – too much humidity can promote the growth of mites, so aim to keep the enclosure at a humidity level of around 50%.

It is important to clean any items that have been used in the enclosure, such as feeding tongs and water bowls, as mites can hide in these items. Regularly inspect the snake for mites, as early detection is key to preventing an infestation.

Finally, quarantine any new snakes for a few weeks before introducing them to your enclosure. This is important as snakes may carry mites without showing any symptoms, so quarantine will allow time to detect any mites before they can spread to your other snakes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I identify if my snake has snake mites?

Snake mites are small, oval-shaped parasites that are often difficult to spot. Signs of an infestation include the snake rubbing against the enclosure, small red or black dots on the skin, or mites visible on the skin. You can also inspect your snake’s droppings for mites. If you suspect your snake has mites, contact your veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

What are the signs that my snake may have mites?

Mites on snakes can cause irritation, skin lesions, and weight loss. Common signs of mites include the presence of small black or red dots on the skin, excessive scratching or rubbing, loss of appetite, and lethargy. It is also possible to observe mites moving around the skin or inside the enclosure.

How do snakes become infested with mites?

Mites can be introduced to a snake’s environment through contact with other animals, nearby cages, bedding material, and even humans. Once they are introduced, they can quickly spread throughout the snake’s environment and infest the snake itself. Poor husbandry practices, such as overcrowding and inadequate cleaning, can also lead to an infestation.

How long can snake mites survive without a host?

Snake mites can survive without a host for a few days to a few weeks. They depend on the environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, for their survival. To get rid of snake mites, it is important to reduce the humidity levels, vacuum the enclosure, and use a safe insecticide to eradicate the mites. Additionally, the enclosure should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to prevent re-infestation.

What are the best ways to get rid of snake mites?

Snake mites can be difficult to get rid of, but there are a few methods that can help. Vacuuming is one of the most effective and least intrusive methods. Vacuuming the snake’s enclosure and then disposing of the bag or container can help remove mites. Regularly disinfecting the enclosure, furnishings and the snake’s body can also help remove mites. Applying a topical insecticide can help get rid of mites. It is important to follow the directions carefully, as many insecticides can be toxic to snakes. Finally, it is important to monitor the snake for further signs of mite infestation and to take preventative measures to keep mites from returning.


Snake mites are a common problem for snake owners. While they can be difficult to get rid of, there are a few steps that can be taken to effectively eliminate them. First, reduce the humidity in the tank and create a drier environment. Next, bathe the snake in either a medicated or natural solution, which can help kill the mites. Finally, use a specially formulated mite spray to treat the tank and the snake’s skin. With these steps in place, snake owners should be able to eliminate snake mites from their tanks.

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