How to Get Rid of Black Racer Snakes: Essential Tips for Snake Prevention

» Snake Control » How to Get Rid of Black Racer Snakes: Essential Tips for Snake Prevention

Are you a snake lover looking to learn how to get rid of black racer snakes? This guide provides you with essential information on identifying, avoiding, and removing these snakes from your home or property. You will learn about the characteristics of black racer snakes, the potential danger they pose, and the best methods for humanely relocating them. With the knowledge provided in this guide, you can ensure that both you and the black racer snakes are safe from harm.

Types of Snakes

Types Of Snakes

Snakes can be classified into four groups: Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae, and Boidae. Colubridae is the largest family of snakes and includes non-venomous species such as garter snakes, green snakes, and rat snakes. Elapidae consists of venomous species such as cobras, mambas, and coral snakes. Viperidae includes venomous species such as rattlesnakes, vipers, and copperheads. Lastly, Boidae is the family of boas and pythons, which are non-venomous. The black racer snake belongs to the Colubridae family and is considered harmless to humans.

Identification of Black Racer Snakes

Identification Of Black Racer Snakes

  • Black racer snakes are typically black or dark gray in color with a white chin and throat.
  • They can grow up to two to three feet in length.
  • They have a slender body with a long, pointed tail and a flat head with a pointed snout.
  • The scales on the snake’s body are smooth, and they may have a white, yellow, or brown stripe running down the middle of the back.
  • These snakes have an oval-shaped pupil and small eyes.

Reasons for Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes

Reasons For Getting Rid Of Black Racer Snakes

Black racer snakes are non-venomous and are typically harmless, however, they can be a nuisance. They can be found in gardens, yards, and garages, and can attract other unwanted pests such as roaches and lizards. Black racer snakes are also capable of squeezing through small openings and entering homes, which can be a major problem. Additionally, black racer snakes can cause damage to properties by eating small rodents and birds, and their droppings can create an unpleasant smell. They may also pose a threat to small pets, such as kittens and puppies, as well as young children. Lastly, black racer snakes can be a nuisance to homeowners due to their loud vocalizations, which can be unsettling at night.

Non-lethal Snake Removal Strategies

Non-Lethal Snake Removal Strategies

The most humane way to handle an infestation of black racer snakes is to use non-lethal strategies to remove them from your property. Such strategies include exclusion, habitat modification, and repellents.


One of the most effective strategies for removing black racer snakes is exclusion, which involves using physical barriers to keep them away from your property. This can include using fencing around gardens and other areas where they are likely to enter. The fencing should be made of materials that snakes cannot climb, such as metal or plastic mesh. Additionally, it should be buried several inches underground to prevent snakes from digging underneath it.

Habitat Modification

Habitat modification is another strategy for reducing the number of black racer snakes in your area. This involves creating an environment that is unfavorable to the snakes by removing potential hiding spots, such as brush piles and debris. Additionally, it is recommended to keep grass and other vegetation trimmed to reduce the number of places where the snakes can hide.


Repellents are another option for keeping black racer snakes away from your property. There are various types of repellents available, such as those containing predator urine or natural oils. It is important to note that the effectiveness of repellents can vary and they may need to be reapplied periodically. Additionally, it is recommended to use repellents in combination with other strategies, such as exclusion and habitat modification, for the best results.

Strategy Description
Exclusion Using physical barriers such as fencing to keep snakes away from your property
Habitat Modification Creating an environment that is unfavorable to snakes by removing potential hiding spots
Repellents Using natural oils or predator urine to deter snakes from entering your property

Lethal Snake Removal Strategies

Lethal Snake Removal Strategies

  • Trapping: Set up traps around the perimeter of your home, preferably in areas where the black racer snake is known to frequent. Use a bait such as a dead mouse or chicken to attract the snake. When the snake enters the trap, secure it, and then release it away from your home.
  • Poison: Use a poison specifically designed to kill snakes. Place the poison in areas where the snake is known to frequent. Make sure to follow all safety precautions when using poison.
  • Shooting: Shooting is a last resort when dealing with a black racer snake. Only shoot the snake if it is in a place where it is posing an immediate threat. Make sure to use a gun that is capable of killing the snake with one shot.

Clean Up Strategies

Remove potential hiding spots like tall grass, piles of wood, and debris. Store woodpiles away from the home and cover them with a tarp. Remove bird feeders and other sources of food that attract small rodents, which snakes feed on. Keep trash bins tightly sealed and away from the home and yard. Trim back tree branches and shrubs that are close to the home and yard.

Install snake traps along the perimeter of the yard and in areas where snakes are frequently sighted. Check the traps often and release any captured snakes far away from your property. Secure the perimeter of the home with a layer of mulch, rocks, or other snake-proof barriers.

Call a professional snake removal service if the infestation persists. The company may use a combination of trapping and exclusion techniques to help get rid of the problem.

Prevention Strategies

To effectively prevent black racer snakes from entering your home, seal any potential entry points. This includes cracks in the foundation, areas around windows and doors, and any other potential access points. Additionally, remove any standing water or food sources near your home, as these will attract the snakes. Keep your property free of debris and keep your grass mowed short, as this can provide the snakes with hiding places. Finally, secure your trash cans and keep pet food indoors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Signs of a Black Racer Snake Infestation?

Signs of a black racer snake infestation include frequent sightings of the snake around the house, trails of sloughed off skin around the home or yard, and a strong smell of musk in the area. Other signs include hearing the snake’s rustling as it moves, finding nests and eggs, and discovering areas where the snake has been sheltering.

What are some of the most effective methods for getting rid of a black racer snake?

Trapping and removal is often the most effective way to remove a black racer snake. Traps can be baited with food or set with a lure. Snake repellents are also effective, as they contain natural ingredients that will repel snakes. Additionally, using a snake fence to keep the snake away from your property is an effective way to prevent the snake from returning. Finally, keeping the area around the property clean and free of debris will discourage the snake from taking up residence.

Are there any risks to trying to remove a black racer snake from your yard?

Yes, trying to remove a black racer snake can be dangerous, as they are a venomous species and can bite if they feel threatened. It is best to contact a professional for removal. Additionally, snake repellents that are used to deter snakes from your yard can be toxic to humans and pets, so these should be used with extreme caution.

What can be done to prevent black racer snakes from getting into your yard in the first place?

Ensure that yards are well maintained with no areas for snakes to hide. Keep grass, shrubs and bushes trimmed, and clear away any debris, wood piles, and rock piles that could be attractive hiding places. Ensure that all food sources are removed from the yard, including outdoor pet food and birdseed. Secure any openings around the home, such as gaps in foundations and window screens. Seal any cracks or holes in the foundation and around utility pipes. Install a fence around the perimeter of the yard and ensure that the gate is kept closed.

Are there any natural repellents that can be used to get rid of black racer snakes from your yard?

Natural repellents, such as fox urine and mothballs, can be used to keep black racer snakes away from your yard. Fox urine is often the most effective repellent, as it mimics the smell of a predator and can make the snake believe it is in danger. Mothballs are also a good option, as the smell of the chemical naphthalene can repel snakes from your property. It is important to note that these repellents may need to be reapplied regularly to ensure that the snakes stay away.


It is important to remember that black racer snakes are a beneficial species that can help to keep the rodent population in check. Therefore, in most cases the best course of action is to leave them alone. If relocation is necessary, contact an experienced wildlife removal specialist to ensure it is done safely and humanely. If a black racer snake has made its way into your home, take the necessary steps to remove or exclude it as soon as possible.

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