How to Get Rid of Snakes in Your Car: The Definitive Guide

» Handling Snakes » How to Get Rid of Snakes in Your Car: The Definitive Guide

If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of finding a snake in your car, you know that it can be a terrifying and potentially dangerous situation. But don’t panic, because there are some expert tips that can help you safely and quickly get the snake out of your car. In this article, we’ll go over how to get a snake out of your car and provide some helpful advice on how to prevent them from entering your car in the first place.

Understanding Snakes

Understanding Snakes

Types of Snakes

Snakes can be found in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Some common types of snakes include boa constrictors, rat snakes, corn snakes, and king snakes. Each species of snake has its own characteristics and behaviors.

Habits of Snakes

Snakes are typically shy and will attempt to escape when they feel threatened. Snakes will often seek out dark, cool places to hide, such as under rocks, logs, or under the seats of a car. Snakes also have an excellent sense of smell and can detect food from a distance.

Identifying Snake Breeds

The first step in removing a snake from your car is to identify the breed. Snakes can be divided into two main categories: venomous and non-venomous. Venomous snakes have a triangular head and a single row of scales on the underside of their belly. They also have a heat-sensing pit between their nostrils and eyes, which allows them to detect prey. Non-venomous snakes have round heads and two rows of scales on the underside of their belly. They also lack a heat-sensing pit. Additionally, the color and pattern of a snake’s scales can help to identify the breed.

Preparation for Snake Removal

Preparation For Snake Removal

Safety Equipment

Gather safety equipment such as heavy gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and closed-toed shoes. Wear protective gear during the entire process.

Safety Protocols

Before attempting to remove the snake, assess the situation. Make sure the snake is not in a position to bite you or anyone else. Open the windows and be prepared to move quickly if the snake becomes aggressive. Consider the snake’s size and species before attempting to remove it.

Removing the Snake

Removing The Snake

Closing the Windows and Doors

Close all the windows and doors of your car as soon as you spot the snake. This will ensure that the snake doesn’t escape, and it will also make it easier to find and remove the snake.

2 Vacuuming

2 Vacuuming
Once the car is sealed, the next step is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the snake. Make sure to use the upholstery attachment for maximum efficiency. Vacuum in all the crevices, around the dashboard, and inside the car seat cushions. Be sure to move slowly and cautiously, as the snake may be hiding in any hidden area. After vacuuming, make sure to double-check all the nooks and crannies in the car to ensure the snake is gone.

3 Reaching in and Removing

3 Reaching In And Removing

Step Details
1 Wear gloves and long sleeves to protect yourself from the snake’s bite.
2 Gently reach in and grab the snake behind its head. Do not attempt to grab the snake by its tail.
3 Carefully remove the snake from your car and place it in a safe area away from your car and people.

4 Releasing the Snake

4 Releasing The Snake

Steps Details
1 Find an area suitable for release. A natural habitat, such as a forest or grassland, is preferred.
2 Drive the snake to the release site. Make sure the snake is secure on the way to the release site.
3 When you arrive at the release site, take the snake out of the car and place it in a sheltered area or in the vegetation.
4 Keep an eye on the snake until it is out of sight, or until it has become comfortable in its new environment.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Vehicle

Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Vehicle

Once the snake has been removed from your vehicle, it is important to clean and disinfect the area it was in. Begin by vacuuming the area with a shop vacuum or other heavy-duty vacuum. This will help to remove any droppings, scales, and other debris left behind by the snake.

Once the area has been vacuumed, it is important to disinfect the area. This can be done using a mild disinfectant, such as bleach, or a store bought disinfectant. Make sure to thoroughly saturate the area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it down.

After the area has been disinfected, it is important to remove any lingering odors. This can be done by spraying a mixture of water and white vinegar into the area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it down with a damp cloth.

Step Description
Vacuum Vacuum the area with a shop vacuum or other heavy-duty vacuum to remove any droppings, scales, and other debris left behind by the snake.
Disinfect Thoroughly saturate the area with a mild disinfectant, such as bleach, or a store bought disinfectant.
Deodorize Spray a mixture of water and white vinegar into the area to remove any lingering odors.

Preventing Further Infestation

Preventing Further Infestation

Once the snake is removed from the car, it is important to prevent further infestations. This can be accomplished by sealing any potential entry points into the car, such as cracks and crevices around windows, doors, vents, and other openings. Additionally, make sure to keep the car clean and clutter-free, as snakes are attracted to warm and dark places. Consider using a snake-repellent in the car, such as mothballs, which can be placed in and around the car. Finally, be sure to inspect the car regularly for any signs of snakes and take action immediately if any are found.

1 Keeping Your Car Clean

Regularly vacuum and clean your car to prevent snakes from entering. Keep the windows and doors sealed when the car is not in use. Remove all food waste, as snakes might be attracted to the smell. Avoid leaving scented items in the car, as this may also draw them in.

2 Using Repellents

  • Spray peppermint oil or ammonia-soaked rags around the perimeter of your car and around the snake’s hangout spots.
  • Sprinkle cayenne pepper, cinnamon, or garlic powder around the car and around the snake’s hangout spots.
  • Spray a snake repellent containing naphthalene, sulfur, or ammonia around the car.
  • Place moth balls or ammonia-soaked rags under the hood of your car.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Expert Tips for Safely Removing a Snake from a Car Interior?

Put on protective gloves and long sleeve clothing. Ensure the windows are closed. Gently prod the snake with a long stick or broom handle, and guide towards a container or box. Cover the container with a lid, and then slide a piece of cardboard underneath to trap the snake. Secure the lid and transport the snake to an open area away from your home.

How can I make sure the snake does not return to my car?

To ensure the snake does not return to your car, it is important to seal any possible entry points the snake may have used to get in. Check the car for any cracks or holes around the windows, doors, hood, and undercarriage. Seal these openings with caulk or foam insulation. Additionally, regularly checking the car for any signs of snakes is recommended.

What should I do if a snake is hiding under the dashboard of my car?

Remain calm, as sudden movements can cause the snake to become startled and attack. Do not attempt to reach for the snake or try to grab it, as this will increase the risk of the snake striking. Contact a professional snake handler for assistance. The handler will be able to safely remove the snake from your car. If possible, leave the windows or doors open to allow the snake to exit of its own accord. Ensure the snake has a clear exit path, and wait for it to leave.

Is there any way to keep snakes from entering my car in the first place?

Prevention is always better than cure. To keep snakes from entering your car, try covering the engine, wheels and other vulnerable points of entry with mesh or metal sheets. Additionally, keep your car and surroundings clean and tidy as snakes avoid clutter. Make sure to remove any debris, wood, and rocks near the car, as they may provide a hiding place for snakes. To further deter snakes, use repellent products such as sprays or granular repellents around the car.

What should I do if I am unable to get the snake out of my car safely?

If you are unable to get the snake safely out of your car, contact a local wildlife control company or a professional snake catcher. They will be able to safely remove the snake from your vehicle and relocate it to a natural environment. It is important to never try to remove a snake yourself as this can be dangerous for both you and the snake.


If you find a snake in your car, remain calm and do not panic. Make sure to open all the windows and doors of the car before attempting to remove the snake. Wear protective gear and use a snake hook or tongs to carefully remove the snake from the car. Once the snake is outside, keep an eye on it from a safe distance until it leaves the vicinity. If you are still unable to remove the snake from your car, contact a pest control expert for help.

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