Why Are My Snakes Eyes Cloudy? Learn the Possible Reasons Behind This Common Issue

» Health » Why Are My Snakes Eyes Cloudy? Learn the Possible Reasons Behind This Common Issue

If you have recently noticed that your snake’s eyes are cloudy, you may be wondering why this is happening. This is a common issue in snakes and can be caused by a variety of factors. In this article, we will cover the potential reasons behind why your snake’s eyes are cloudy and what you can do to help. By understanding the potential causes of cloudy eyes in snakes, you can ensure that your snake stays healthy and happy.

Types of Snakes

Types Of Snakes
Snakes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be found in habitats ranging from deserts to rainforests, and can even be found in the oceans. Some of the most common types of snakes include:

  • Pythons: Pythons are constrictors, meaning they wrap around their prey and squeeze them in order to kill them. They are typically found in tropical areas, and can grow up to 30 feet long.
  • Cobras: Cobras are venomous snakes that use their venom to kill their prey. They are found in tropical climates, and are usually marked by their hooded heads and upright stance.
  • Vipers: Vipers are venomous snakes that use their venom to immobilize their prey. They are found in many climates and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • Garter Snakes: Garter snakes are nonvenomous and can be found in many climates. They are typically small, and are marked by their striped pattern and long, slender bodies.
  • Rattlesnakes: Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes that use their rattles to warn predators. They are typically found in warm climates and are marked by their triangular heads and rattles at the end of their tails.

Snakes can be very difficult to identify, even for experienced herpetologists. Before handling any type of snake, it is important to make sure you know what type of snake it is and how to handle it safely.

Causes of Cloudy Eyes in Snakes

Causes Of Cloudy Eyes In Snakes

  • Infection: Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can cause the eyes of a snake to become cloudy and can lead to vision loss. Infections can be caused by poor husbandry, stress, and improper nutrition.
  • Trauma: If a snake is injured, its eyes may become cloudy as a result of the trauma. This can be caused by being handled roughly, fighting with another snake, or any other type of physical trauma.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: If a snake is not getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy, its eyes may become cloudy. This can be caused by a lack of variety in its diet, or an inadequate diet.
  • Metabolic Disorders: Metabolic disorders can affect the eyes of a snake and can cause them to become cloudy. These disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, poor husbandry, and poor nutrition.


Cloudy eyes in snakes may be caused by a number of infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and fungi. Bacterial infections commonly involve the conjunctiva, while viral infections often cause much more severe symptoms, such as ulcerative keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), which can lead to blindness. Signs of infection include cloudy eyes, swollen eyelids, increased mucus production, redness, and discharge. Treatment of snake eye infections depends on the cause, and may involve antibiotics, antifungal medications, or antiviral medications. Additionally, supportive care such as eye ointment, warm compresses, and fluid therapy may be recommended.



Cloudy eyes in snakes can be caused by physical injury. Such an injury can cause swelling and cloudiness in the eye. In some cases, the eye can become completely opaque. If the injury is severe, permanent vision loss may result. Treatment options depend on the type and severity of the injury. In mild cases, it may be enough to monitor the snake and provide supportive care. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Type of Injury Treatment Options
Mild Injury Monitoring and supportive care
Severe Injury Surgery



Cloudy eyes in snakes can be a sign of stress. Snakes in captivity can become stressed for a variety of reasons, such as inadequate space, diet, temperature, or lighting. Specific signs of stress in snakes may include hissing, striking, or attempting to escape. Other signs of stress may include the snake displaying an unusual posture, refusing food, or a decrease in activity.

Cause of Stress Signs of Stress
Inadequate Space Hissing, Striking, Escape Attempts
Diet Unusual Posture, Refusing Food
Temperature Decrease in Activity
Lighting Cloudy Eyes

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin Deficiency

  • Cloudy eyes in snakes can be caused by a vitamin deficiency.
  • Vitamin A is the most commonly deficient vitamin in snakes.
  • A lack of vitamin A can lead to eye infections, dryness, and cloudy eyes.
  • Vitamin A can be found in dark leafy greens, squash, and other vegetables.
  • A vitamin A supplement can also be used to ensure adequate intake.


A veterinarian should examine your snake to diagnose the cause of its cloudy eyes. They may recommend tests, such as a blood test or an eye exam, to determine the underlying cause. Depending on the results of the tests, your veterinarian may recommend treatment options such as antibiotics, eye drops, or other medications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.


If your snake’s eyes are cloudy, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment. Common treatments may include antibiotics to treat any underlying bacterial infection, vitamin injections to treat nutritional deficiencies, and surgical removal if the cause is a tumor or abscess. Additionally, your vet may recommend supportive care such as proper heating and humidity levels, as well as frequent soaking in lukewarm water to help clear up the eye cloudiness.

Care for Healthy Eyes

Care For Healthy Eyes

  • Provide adequate nutrition and hydration.
  • Keep your snake’s habitat clean, and provide fresh water daily.
  • Monitor your snake’s health regularly, and seek veterinary help if needed.
  • Maintain proper humidity levels in the enclosure.
  • Avoid handling your snake too often, as this can lead to stress.
  • Provide UVB light exposure for a minimum of 12 hours a day.
  • Ensure that the temperature in the enclosure is appropriate for the species.
  • Clean your snake’s eyes regularly with a damp cotton swab.
  • Keep your snake away from other animals, as this can cause eye infections.

Long-term Outlook

  • Monitor your snake’s behavior for any signs of distress
  • Check your snake’s eyes regularly to ensure there are no further changes in appearance
  • Consult a veterinarian if the condition persists or worsens
  • Consider ways to reduce stress and improve overall health in the environment
  • Provide a balanced diet and ensure proper hydration

Common Questions

Are cloudy eyes in snakes common? Yes, cloudy eyes in snakes can be an indication of an underlying health problem.

What causes cloudy eyes in snakes? Cloudy eyes in snakes can be a sign of an infection, such as a respiratory infection or eye infection. It can also be caused by a vitamin A deficiency or even dehydration.

What treatments are available for cloudy eyes in snakes? Treatment for cloudy eyes in snakes depends on the underlying cause. If the cause is an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If the cause is a vitamin A deficiency, a vitamin A supplement may be recommended. In some cases, providing the snake with more humidity or hydration may help clear up the cloudiness.

Are there any home remedies for cloudy eyes in snakes? Not every case of cloudy eyes in snakes can be treated with home remedies. However, providing the snake with more humidity or hydration can help clear up the cloudiness in some cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes a Snake to Have Cloudy Eyes?

Cloudy eyes in snakes are caused by a variety of conditions, including infection, dehydration, injury, or injury to the eye itself. Infections such as salmonella, fungal, and viral can lead to cloudy eyes. Dehydration can also cause a snake’s eyes to become cloudy, as can lack of UV light. Injury to the eye itself can also cause cloudiness, as can long-term exposure to humidity. In some cases, cloudy eyes can be a warning sign of a more serious health issue such as kidney or liver disease.

Is it Common for a Snake to Have Cloudy Eyes?

It is not uncommon for snakes to have cloudy eyes. This condition may be caused by several things, including dehydration, infection, or eye trauma. It is important to determine the cause of the cloudiness in order to best treat the issue. If the cause is infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If dehydration is the source, it will be necessary to increase the snake’s water intake. Additionally, certain eye drops may be recommended to help clear the eyes. If the cloudiness is the result of trauma, the snake may benefit from pain relief medications and eye lubrication drops.

What are the most common reasons for a snake to lose an eye?

The most common causes of eye loss in snakes are trauma and infection. Trauma can occur from a fight with another snake, or from an accident in the home. Infections can be caused by bacteria, parasites, or fungi, and can lead to eye problems such as ulcerations, abscesses, and blindness. In some cases, eye loss may also be due to genetic abnormalities or tumors.

Is there anything I can do to help prevent my snake from having cloudy eyes?

To prevent cloudy eyes in your snake, provide a clean, dry enclosure. Ensure the enclosure is large enough to provide adequate space and ventilation. Replace the substrate regularly to prevent bacterial and fungal build-up, and regularly clean the enclosure with disinfectants. Provide your snake with a range of hiding spots, and avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity. Lastly, keep your snake’s environment at the correct temperature and humidity, and provide adequate light to maintain healthy vision.

What are the Signs that my Snake’s Eyes are Cloudy?

Cloudy eyes in snakes can be caused by a variety of health issues. Signs that your snake’s eyes are cloudy include: milky or opaque appearance, eye discharge, swelling, crustiness, or redness. In some cases, you may also notice a lack of appetite or lethargy. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to bring your snake to a veterinarian as soon as possible.


Cloudy eyes in snakes can be caused by a variety of different medical issues. Properly identifying the underlying cause is important in order to ensure the snake receives the necessary treatment and care. In cases of fungal or bacterial infections, antibiotics and antifungal medications are typically prescribed. Viruses may require different treatments, while issues related to stress may require environmental modifications. If the problem persists, it is important to contact a veterinarian or other reptile specialist.

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